Development Goal

To have a strong Palestinian rural areas empowerd by its agriculture sector and backboned with suvernighty.


We are a national developmental organization that strives to develop the agricultural sector, strengthen the resilience of farmers, reach out to the poor and marginalized groups and their CBO’s, mobilize and develop the capabilities of rural people to enable them to control their resources, through the work of a distinguished professional teams and a loyal volunteers. This has been accomplished through creative programs and transparent management and through technical practices to contribute to the establishment of a free and democratic Palestinian society with the values of social justice


PARC is a pioneer national developmental organization with a regional trend committed to rural and agricultural development, social justice and national liberation

Strategic Aims

Natural Resources.

Natural Resources.

تعتمد الزراعة بشكل أساسي على الموارد الطبيعية (الأرض والمياه)، لذلك يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى المساهمة في تحقيق إدارة مستدامة للموارد الطبيعية نحو تحقيق السيادة والأمن الغذائي. عملت الإغاثة الزراعية على هذا البرنامج منذ نشأتها وذلك لأهميته، ويتضمن البر

Social and Economic Empowerment

Social and Economic Empowerment



Lobbying and advocacy

Lobbying and advocacy