PARC signs an agreement to establish 6 km of water networks and install a pump in Al Majd and Deir Al Asal Al Fawqa in Hebron Governorate
Agricultural Development Association - PARC, represented by its Chairman of the Board, Mr. Salam Al-Zagha, and Mr. Abdul Aziz Sa'afin, representing Al-Ferdous Contracting Company, signed an agreement to establish 6 km water networks and install a water pump in the villages of Al Majd and Deir Al Asal Al Fawqa located in Hebron Governorate. The agreement was attended by PARC Board member Mr. Sameeh Mohsen, the General Manager, Mr. Munjid Abu Jeish, and the project team at PARC.
This activity is part of the project " Enhance the well-being of Al Majd and Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa Area C residents by the provision of safe and sufficient drinking water services ", funded by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - OCHA.
The project aims to improve living conditions for the residents of Al Majd and Deir Al Asal Al Fawqa in Area (C) by providing them with adequate care and essential drinking water services. This will be achieved by expanding the current water distribution network by adding 6000 meters of steel pipelines that comply with Palestinian standards and specifications in the Al Majd and Deir Al Asal Al Fawqa clusters, and installing a pump to serve 6 residential clusters with a population of 7850.
The project also includes several activities, including awareness sessions for school students about the necessary practices for safe and efficient handling of drinking water and household water, as well as in schools in the targeted villages through 4 awareness workshops in schools. These workshops will be conducted in full coordination with the Ministry of Education and the school