Urgent Warning: Environmental Disaster Imminent in Sheikh Radwan Area



PARC urgently warns of a potential environmental disaster in the Sheikh Radwan area, exacerbated by the ongoing war on Gaza. Following a thorough assessment in collaboration with the Gaza Municipality, which identified significant risks as a result of the destruction of the Sheikh Radwan Basin, located north of Gaza City. The repeated targeting of this vital facility by Israeli  occupation forces has led to deteriorating conditions, with each passing day increasing the threat of massive damage.


The Sheikh Radwan basin is essential for managing rainwater and wastewater, covering an area of 84 dunums and holding a capacity of 500,000 cubic meters following its expansion in 1998. Its effective drainage system, which includes six pumps and a 2,600-meter drainage line, was designed to mitigate flooding. However, the war has completely destroyed one generator, severely damaged another, and compromised the solar energy system and protective walls spanning over 900 meters. Furthermore, significant portions of the transmission line leading to the sea have also been destroyed, increasing the risk of flooding.


Currently, over 450,000 cubic meters of untreated wastewater are accumulating in the basin, situated amid residential communities. This poses dire environmental and health risks. In light of these urgent circumstances, PARC calls for immediate intervention to address the situation and allow the entry of pipes needed to repair the damaged.  And urge all relevant authorities and international institutions to act swiftly to mitigate the environmental risks and prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Time is of the essence; urgent action is required to avert a looming disaster.