PARC rehabilitates water networks, sewage systems, and sanitary units inside shelters.
Gaza - In a move to enhance health and humanitarian conditions, the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) conducted comprehensive rehabilitation and restoration of bathrooms, sewage systems, and water networks inside shelters in the Rafah governorate.
This activity comes within the framework of the project "Emergency Response to Various Sectors in the Gaza Strip," funded by the Islamic Relief Foundation France (FPS) and implemented by PARC. The step is considered part of the association's commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for displaced families due to the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.
This intervention aims to alleviate the suffering of displaced persons and mitigate the environmental and health damage resulting from the malfunction of sanitary units and the lack of water for human use, in addition to creating a clean environment inside bathrooms and shelter yards.
The rehabilitation operations included replacing old sanitary fixtures with modern ones, improving sanitary systems to ensure the provision of clean and healthy water, as well as expanding sewage networks to ensure safe disposal of solid and liquid waste, maintaining water tanks, laying plastic water pipes from the main water source to the tanks, and maintaining and installing new water faucets.
This intervention targeted Al-Doha School and Rafah Shohada' School in the Rafah governorate, south of the Gaza Strip.