On World Humanitarian Day: the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) as a Pillar to Strengthen the Resilience of Affected Communities in Palestine



On World Humanitarian Day: the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) as a Pillar to Strengthen the Resilience of Affected Communities in Palestine

PARC: A Pillar of Humanitarian Work and Support for Communities Affected by Crises

Every year on August 19, the world celebrates World Humanitarian Day, a valuable occasion to honor those working in the humanitarian field, enhance support and solidarity with communities suffering from crises and disasters, and spotlight the importance of humanitarian work while raising awareness of the challenges faced by workers in this field.

On this occasion, which comes at a time of complex and catastrophic circumstances in the Palestinian territories, PARC emphasizes the urgent need to unite international efforts to confront humanitarian crises and support initiatives aimed at improving the lives of those affected in vulnerable, poor, and most at-risk communities.

PARC's interventions are a vital component in supporting communities affected by conflicts and natural disasters, as evidenced during the 2023-2024 genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. These interventions play a key role in enhancing the resilience and recovery of individuals and communities, reflecting its vision rooted in social justice, national liberation, agriculture, and rural issues. Its strategic goals and various programs focus on supporting and strengthening farmers' resilience, reaching the poor and marginalized groups, mobilizing and developing the capacities of rural inhabitants, and enabling them to control their resources through an exceptional team and dedicated volunteers. These efforts are framed within pioneering programs and modern, transparent administrative and technical practices to build a free and democratic Palestinian society based on social justice.

In the context of Palestine, PARC’s interventions are a cornerstone within the efforts for recovery, reconstruction, and comprehensive development, particularly in areas suffering from the effects of repeated crises and the practices of the Israeli occupation and its violations of farmers' rights. These interventions include supporting Palestinian farmers through its strategic programs to ensure that farmers and the agricultural sector continue to produce food, thereby strengthening food security and bolstering community resilience in the face of challenges.

PARC is committed to upholding the principles of humanitarian work, especially in communities that rely on agriculture as a primary source of livelihood. These principles include humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence, and they are embodied through several mechanisms:

1.     Humanity: PARC helps alleviate the suffering of farmers affected by conflicts and natural disasters by providing the necessary support to rehabilitate their agricultural lands, supply seeds and essential equipment, ensuring food security needs are met, and enhancing community resilience.

2.     Neutrality: Agricultural assistance is provided without bias to any party in the conflicts, focusing on the actual needs of those affected, ensuring the effectiveness and fairness of aid, and directing it to all regardless of their political backgrounds or social status.

3.     Impartiality: Priority is given to the most affected farmers based on an objective assessment of needs, ensuring that everyone's needs are fairly met.

4.     Independence: Relief efforts are carried out independently of political or economic agendas, ensuring that decisions to provide assistance are directed towards improving the lives of beneficiaries and enhancing the stability of affected communities.

Promoting these humanitarian principles enables PARC to build trust between communities and humanitarian organizations, enhancing communities' ability to recover and adapt to challenges. These efforts reflect the true essence of humanitarian work, highlighting the importance of solidarity and cooperation in facing crises and promoting food security and sustainability in affected communities.

In the context of protecting humanitarian workers in Palestine and the Gaza Strip, PARC calls on the local community to raise awareness of the importance of the role of humanitarian workers and to respect their work, providing the necessary support and protection to perform their duties in a safe environment.

We emphasize the need to strengthen cooperation between the community and workers to facilitate the delivery of aid and avoid risks. On the international level, we urge the global community to enforce respect for international humanitarian law and ensure the safety of workers. Clear condemnation of any attacks against them is necessary, along with demands for investigations and immediate responses.

Providing security and logistical support and enhancing legal protection by documenting violations and supporting local and international human rights organizations that monitor and document the situation is essential. Protecting humanitarian workers is not just a moral duty but a necessity to ensure the continuation of humanitarian work under the challenging circumstances that the Palestinian community endures.

Let us make this day a day of motivation and action for a better Palestinian society for all.